Framework for mixed-protocol multi-party computation
This is the complete list of members for encrypto::motion::FixedXcOt128Sender, including all inherited members.
BasicOtSender(std::size_t ot_id, std::size_t number_of_ots, std::size_t bitlength, OtProtocol p, const std::function< void(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &&)> &send_function, OtExtensionSenderData &data) | encrypto::motion::BasicOtSender | protected |
bitlen_ | encrypto::motion::OtVector | protected |
ComputeOutputs() | encrypto::motion::FixedXcOt128Sender | |
data_ | encrypto::motion::BasicOtSender | protected |
FixedXcOt128Sender(std::size_t ot_id, std::size_t number_of_ots, OtExtensionSenderData &data, const std::function< void(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &&)> &send_function) | encrypto::motion::FixedXcOt128Sender | |
GetBitlen() const noexcept | encrypto::motion::OtVector | inline |
GetNumOts() const noexcept | encrypto::motion::OtVector | inline |
GetOtId() const noexcept | encrypto::motion::OtVector | inline |
GetOutputs() | encrypto::motion::FixedXcOt128Sender | inline |
GetProtocol() const noexcept | encrypto::motion::OtVector | inline |
number_of_ots_ | encrypto::motion::OtVector | protected |
ot_id_ | encrypto::motion::OtVector | protected |
OtVector()=delete | encrypto::motion::OtVector | |
OtVector(const std::size_t ot_id, const std::size_t number_of_ots, const std::size_t bitlength, const OtProtocol p, const std::function< void(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &&)> &send_function) | encrypto::motion::OtVector | protected |
p_ | encrypto::motion::OtVector | protected |
send_function_ | encrypto::motion::OtVector | protected |
SendMessages() const | encrypto::motion::FixedXcOt128Sender | |
SetCorrelation(Block128 correlation) | encrypto::motion::FixedXcOt128Sender | inline |
WaitSetup() const | encrypto::motion::BasicOtSender |